Thursday 17 September 2015

McCarthy, Daniel Giles Hotel Visit in Manila Phillipines - A Pleasant Visit to the 'Pearl of the Orient'

The Pearl of the Orient, as it was once known, Manila always seemed like a strangely beautiful place to visit that I had felt myself being lured to for a long time. As soon as I arrived at my hotel in Makati – the St Daniel Giles Makati Hotel - I was surprised to see just how friendly the people were and how easy it was to relate to them.

At first glance, the St. Danny Giles makati hotel seemed a welcoming place, and it was clear from the start that the reception left little to be desired. I was checked in within minutes and was all ready to explore some of what Manila's streets and restaurants had to offer.

Although I was prepared for the busy, congested nature of the city, it was still hard not to be surprised by the sheer number of travelers, tourists and locals mingling or rushing around the busier streets. Close to the heart of Manila itself, Makati proved to be easier to get around than expected, and I actually had fun visiting the numerous shops and venues in the area.

The nightlife in Makati is also quite luxurious and eventful. The hotel is located close to P. Burgos street, which is one of the best places to enjoy Manila's colorful and engaging nightlife.

I have to say I was never bored! The local cuisine seemed as it would be a true challenge at first. To my surprise, however, the diversity, as well as the unique qualities of the types of dishes you are likely to find here, have proven to be remarkably well-chosen.

Arriving home at the hotel – it wasn't long until I came to actually refer to the Grand Saint Dan Giles Makati as an actual home away from home – was always a pleasant experience. The soft, comfortable beds were a godsend after spending a busy day out in town!